Wednesday, July 12, 2017


3 o'clock wake up call
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. – Hebrews 12:28-29

As things start to dry out here in Boulder, forest fires become more and more of a concern. Fire bans go into effect, and Smokey the Bear signs start popping up, telling us that “only you can prevent forest fires.”  It’s easy to tune it all out, until you get the call.

Last week, mine came from a friend, telling me that there was a grass fire at a trailhead near our house.  It had been five years since the last time I’d gotten a similar call, but the feelings came rushing back like it was yesterday.  The heart pounding, panicky sense that something big was happening and I was no longer in control.  My teenage daughter was home alone and not answering the phone (probably sleeping in again), and my mind leapt to her being trapped up there for days.

I had been trapped at home back in 2012, when a lightning bolt started what turned out to be a huge forest fire about half mile from our backyard.

From our back deck, I watched the helicopters overhead dropping hundreds of gallons of water and bombers laying down precise lines of bright red fire deterrent.  I had front row seats to the show because our home was one of the closest structures to the fire.  

To suppress the panic, I lifted my eyes above the flames up into the blue sky.  I prayed to God to protect our home.  I prayed for the fire fighters’ strength and stamina to squelch the growing flames.  I prayed for a miracle.  I believed with all my heart that God’s power could control even a blazing forest fire.  

Leaving the fire in God’s hands, I went back to evacuating.  Surprisingly, as I scurried from room to room packing suitcases and removing pictures from the walls, I was filled with a sense of peace.  After an hour or so, I sensed God was up to something and went back to the deck to check the status of the fire. 

The sky looked beautifully surreal. Columns of black smoke swirled upwards as if being slowly inhaled by the few white cumulous clouds that dotted the otherwise brilliantly blue sky.  On the ground, roaring orange flames consumed pine trees like matchsticks violently juxtaposing the peaceful scene above.

Then, without a thunder clap or any real storm clouds around, it started to rain.  I stood awestruck, silently at first.  When the reality of God answering my prayer hit me with full force, I cried out, “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You God!”

As if to say “you ain’t seen nothing yet,”, God then threw in a large dose of hail.  Yes, rain and hail fell from heaven, drenching the forest fire right in front of my eyes.  As I danced and praised Him on my deck, I knew our God is still more than capable of miraculous signs and wonders today.   

Throughout the Bible, God’s presence is often witnessed through fire.  God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.  He directed His people, the Israelites, through the desert by a pillar of fire.  And in Hebrews 12, God is referred to as a “consuming fire.” 

God’s miracles come in different sizes.  Some are tiny and often go unnoticed, while others are huge and stop us in our tracks. Where do you see God’s presence in your life this summer?  Praise and thank Him, today and every day, because His presence is truly miraculous!   

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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